The League of Conservation Voters : LCV Statement on President Bush�s Energy Policy Speech: "WASHINGTON - The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) President Deb Callahan today released the following statement on President Bush�s Energy policy speech:
'Once again, rhetoric replaces leadership on energy issues. For an administration that claims to be wedded to the free market, it has a strange habit of offering huge government subsidies to big energy companies already making billions in profits.
President Bush's proposals today are a rehash of failed initiatives focused on outdated or unproven technology sprinkled with new proposals that continue to embrace consumption over conservation. Why should taxpayers be responsible for siting new oil refineries? For that matter, where do we put the radioactive waste from all these new nuclear plants when we have no place to store the thousands of tons of waste from existing plants?
It is disappointing that the President is still unable to acknowledge that the road to energy independence begins with increasing fuel economy standards for cars and trucks and real leadership on a national energy efficiency program, coupled with federal leadership on the development and use of renewable energy sources. America thirsts for leadership -- not rhetoric.'
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